The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) is Europe’s leading business network and knowledge exchange hub for the global petrochemical community.

We enable industry’s best and brightest to connect, collaborate and innovate, serving as:

A networking  and knowledge hub for dialogue and innovation shaping the industry and the world.
A showcase for corporate leadership and excellence.
An ideas factory for innovative breakthroughs.

#EPCA58 - Annual Meeting 2024

7-10 October 2024 | Berlin, Germany
Further information HERE.


Knowledge Partner

 Engagement Partner


Knowledge Partner

EPCA Network

Over 650 companies from 48 countries around the world make up our vibrant community– from producers and their suppliers, to customers, via supply chain and logistics service providers.

EPCA Insights

Beyond the headlines and quarterly newsletter, we look for analysis, ideas and inspiration from our member.

EPCA's 58th Annual Meeting - The Power of Action | #EPCA58 registration open, session announced...
The latest news from our SCPC committee highlights focusing on the intermodal transportation…

EPCA Annual Meeting

A global conversation focused on opportunities, optimism
and future - it is THE event of the year, for over 50 years!
- EPCA’s Annual Meeting is a member-exclusive event -
Coming up
58th Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany
7-10 October 2024