EPCA (The European Petrochemical Association) wants to increase the
chemical sector’s attractiveness to young people and therefore decided to
foster better links between the chemical industry and educational
establishments. In this context EPCA concluded a partnership with European
Schoolnet – a network of 30 Ministries of Education in Europe and beyond.
The objective of this partnership is to promote chemistry as a field of
study among students aged 12 to 16.
Based on its pedagogical expertise of inquiry-based science education
methods, European Schoolnet developed guidelines that show teachers how
they can integrate societal aspects in chemistry education and concrete
applications of the discipline in the school programme. The guidelines
propose an innovative and multi-disciplinary approach to chemistry teaching
and will confront youngsters early on in their chemistry education with
real life cases.
A further tool to illustrate chemistry’s link to real life is the film
“Chemistry : All About You” – developed and produced by EPCA, together with
UNESCO and IUPAC. With the help of EUN, EPCA will further disseminate the
film in schools in 11 European countries (Belgium, Croatia, France,
Hungary, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and
United Kingdom). The film explains how chemistry provides the global
population with access, in a sustainable way, to drinking water, food,
clothing, health and health care, energy- and emission-friendly building,
transport, communication and education.
Moreover, EPCA already organized a students’ workshop on the occasion of
its Annual Meeting in October 2011: EPCA invited 14 award winning students
in chemistry and related fields from all over the world to join
representatives of the chemical industry. The workshop opened new horizons
for their careers as the students understood that they could enjoy
wide-ranging and varied careers in the chemical sector.
Both initiatives underline EPCA’s commitment to raise the profile of the
chemical industry among the general public and more specifically among
youngsters. They create a bridge between the chemical industry and the
educational world helping youngsters to potentially prepare for a future in
*About EPCA*
EPCA is a non-advocacy body bringing together more than 600 global
companies working in or for the petrochemical industry. It serves as
network, platform to meet, exchange information, transfer of learning and
think tank for its member companies and stakeholders all over the world.
EPCA’s membership stands for an aggregate of member companies’ turnover of
more than 3.2 trillion € and 3.5 million employees worldwide. Global
Partner for the International Year of Chemistry
*About EUN*
EUN is an international non-profit organisation and a network of 30
Ministries of Education in Europe and beyond. EUN brings about innovation
in teaching and learning to its key stakeholders : Ministries of Education,
schools, teachers and researchers. European Schoolnet’s activities include
Policy, research and innovation, School services and Learning resource
exchange and interoperability.
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