Science and engineering are crucial to life in the 21st century, and key to
solving many of the world’s major challenges. However, there is a shortage
of scientists and engineers across the European Union, with 43%
ofmanufacturing employers reporting difficulties in recruiting an
appropriately skilled workforce1. Industry stakeholders across Europe are
concerned by the lack of interest shown by school children and young
graduates in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and
related careers2. Inthe UK alone, engineering employers need to recruit
182,000 workers a year with engineering skills at apprentice and graduate
level until 2020 and beyond. Currently, 26,000 people are entering
engineering occupations, and therefore the shortfall is of great concern3.
Increasingly, European Union countries are realising the importance of
focusing on the pipeline of scientists and engineers; schools, colleges and
universities. What can be done to reverse the trend and attract more young
people in to the manufacturing sector, and related science and engineering
careers? For many years, efforts have been made in STEM education to
attract graduates and school leavers to become industrial scientists and
engineers, but research is now showing that interventions at this age are
toolate. Children as young as 10 years old are ‘switching off’ from science
and engineering careers4. The long term impact of this will be the
inability of European Union employers to fill crucial vacancies in 5-10
years’ time. In the UK, The Confederation of British Industry recognises
this early ‘switch-off’ from science, and has called for greater support
from businesses to ensure primary school science is inspirational and
children are aspirational5. Individual sectors, such as the chemical
sector, are also creating their own strategies to overcome these issues6.
There are many initiatives in place to tackle the ‘switch off’ from
science, and companies need to carefully decide which ones to engage with,
both financially and in terms of the time involved. To decide, a company
should ensure that they understand how the benefits and impact of any
initiative align with and support the company’s goals. Sponsoring a
school’s football team may help to improve the local image of that company
with the children and parents involved, but will make little difference to
the children’s career choices. A carefully chosen STEM initiative will do
*Companies must turn to initiatives that measure impact, firstly in terms
of children’s perceptions of STEM subjects and secondly, knowledge of and
aspirations towards the STEM industries. The following initiatives do just
*2* Durando M., European Schoolnet, Motivation criteria leading students to
opt for science studies and jobs – STEM | Module 1 | Increasing students’
engagement to study STEM | EUN Academy, 2014
*3* Reiss, MJ et al (2015) The State of Engineering, Engineering UK
*4* Archer, L et al (2013), ASPIRES: Young People’s Science and Career
Aspirations age 10-14. Porter C & Parvin, J (2010) Learning to Love
Science: Harnessing children’s scientific imagination
*5* Confederation of British Industry (2015) Tomorrow’s World: Inspiring
Primary Scientists
*6* Chemical Growth Partnership (2013) Strategy for delivering
chemistry-fuelled growth of the UK economy
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