The US/China tracle war is having an impac t on regional supply chains,
exacerbatecl by en vironmental shutclowns in the key Asia Pa cifie
Speaking on the sidelines of the European Petrochemical Association meeting
in Vien na, Brenn tag chief Steve Hollancl saicl that the trade war is
starting to have a real impact on sentiment in Asia Pacifie, while the
ongoing envi ro1mrnn tal slrn tdowns are altering China supply chains.
“Clearly the trade war is a major concern for a lot of people in terms of
wha t the future trading position will be with major partners like China.
Three or four months ago there was a lot of rlrntoric abOL1t this but now I
do detect a certain amount of nervousness in Asia Pacifie,” he said in a
podcast interview with ICIS.
Since the trade war began, China has been prioritising domestic product ion
over pro duction for exports, he notecl.
“From [talking to] a lot of Chinese people here it’s clear that
environmental closures mean there are some 1mits slrnt which previ ously
targeted production for exports . We supp01t these moves but it does have
an effect on the overall s11ppl y chain.”
He believes there is an important question over how much of China’s
production will be 11secl for domestic purposes and how nrnch will be
available for export.
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