Our fi rst session looked at Technology Development and New Generation
Supply-Demand Chains for the Chemical Industry. Our speakers took us on a
journey into the heart of transformational data utilisation and management
through the Internet of Things and the application of business analytics
systems. Their emphasis was adding value.
It is clear that the Internet of Things – a multitude of web-enabled
connections between devices, people, businesses, cities and communities –
is offering a plethora of real time contextual data to access and use in
new ways to enhance businesses, services and our societies. We also gained
insights into the power of predictive analytics to improve every aspect of
our business activities through combinations of route-cause analyses and
real time data access that can transcend inter-functional barriers and
drive optimisation across companies and business networks. A display of
dashboards deploying real time data for control gave a glimpse into the
The key messages were that The Internet of Things is happening now in some
industries and is likely to spread across most. It will provide a deluge of
data which needs putting into context to make decisions through predicting
forwards and by utilising real time dashboards. The Chemical Industry has
good examples of information exchange but it needs to remove “mind set”
barriers regarding sharing information to make our current technology
effective before progressing to new innovations in a step by step approach.
Our dinner speaker focused on the impact of Customers and Consumer
Behaviour on Supply Chains. In fast growing economies, consumers are
increasingly “buying green” and “paying more” particularly in the
consumer-facing industries. Responding to their customers’ demands, these
businesses are demanding that their suppliers work with them to improve and
chart both social and environmental performance. For the chemical industry,
leading and co-operating on these new initiatives will offer potentially
signifi cant gains in terms of fi nancial performance and reputation. Our
second session focused on the need for innovation and agility in 21st
Century Supply Chains, with one speaker highlighting the need for increased
fl exibility and responsiveness in an increasing uncertain and volatile
world where the centre of gravity is moving east. Economy of scope rather
than economy of scale, bringing supply closer to demand, postponement,
small footprint manufacturing, response based network design may be the
future supply chains
Our second speaker highlighted that Ikea has a sustainable investment
program as one of its four key overall business goals. Reduce – reduce –
reduce, regional sourcing, customer trust, internal pride, communication
and branding are major elements. Consumers do care and it was guaranteed
that customers would require a full footprint including that of the
chemical industry.
The Workshop overall conclusions are that future changes will include:
• The Internet of Things
• Customer sustainability expectations
• Supply chain volativity
We must:
• Overcome information sharing barriers
• Deploy new technology on a step by step basis
• Set sustainable programs
• Brand and communicate
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