Brussels, 2 October 2012 – The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) is
stepping up its involvement in educational initiatives for the natural
sciences. EPCA is currently supporting three projects intended to
illustrate the high status of chemistry in everyday life. The initiatives
enable school students to take part in live chats with experts in chemistry
and offer teachers exclusive material allowing them to adopt a more
practically oriented and vivid approach to the design of their lessons. A
high-quality information film supplements the educational programme. The
aim of EPCA’s involvement is to inspire school students to take up the
subject of chemistry and encourage them to embark on a career within the
sector. After all, the industry is increasingly suffering from a shortage
of qualified new recruits.
“Chemistry plays an outstanding role in our daily lives. It provides us
with access to such fundamentals as drinking water, food, clothes,
healthcare and communication media. We urgently need more well educated
specialists so that we can safeguard all of this in the future,” says Tom
Crotty, President of EPCA.
In lectures, panel discussions, seminars and workshops, this year’s Annual
Meeting of the European Petrochemical Association will also be dedicated to
the topic of new recruits for the sector. Title of the meeting: “Talent and
Technology: Drivers of Innovation in the Chemical Industry”. This year more
than 2,500 delegates representing EPCA’s member companies will be meeting
from 6 to 10 October in Budapest.
*Educational initiatives with EPCA involvement*
EPCA is actively involved as a partner in a number of initiatives for the
education of young people in the fields of chemistry and natural sciences.
inGenious aims to promote the interest of young Europeans in the natural
sciences and improve the link between education and practice. One of the
initiative’s projects is XPERIMANIA V called “TALK2US”, that EPCA and the
Association of Petrochemicals Producers in Europe (APPE) have developed
jointly. From October 2012 to May 2013, the two associations are organizing
several online chat sessions with European schools. These sessions will
enable school students from all over Europe to find out more about the
importance of petrochemicals in everyday life, their sustainable
development and career opportunities within the chemical industry.
EPCA has renewed its successful partnership with European Schoolnet (EUN)
for a further three years. Back in 2011 EUN and EPCA jointly developed
tuition guidelines aimed at helping teachers to integrate specific
applications from the discipline into the school curriculum. The guidelines
provide young people with illustrations of chemical processes and will be
available in 12 countries and in 10 languages over the next couple of years.
In three and a half minutes, the film “Chemistry: All About You!” uses
impressive images and informative captions to show that chemistry forms the
foundation of everybody’s daily life. In a topical context, all children
who take part in the “Kids’ Marathon” as part of the Budapest Marathon to
be held in the Hungarian capital on 7 October, will receive a copy of the
film. EPCA – a sponsor of the run – made and distributed the elaborately
produced film in collaboration with its partners last year.
Further information on this year’s Annual Meeting of EPCA in Budapest, on
local press events and opportunities to take part is available on request.
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