
Founded in 1986 Peacock has more than 30 years’ experience in ISO tank leasing. We are privately owned and manage a fleet of 6.500 ISO tanks for liquids and gases. These tanks are leased to customers active in markets related to

  • Petro-chemicals

  • Food and beverages

  • Distribution and logistics

  • Oil and gas

  • Infrastructure and energy

  • Industrial gases


Through our offices in Singapore, Rotterdam and Shanghai we serve a broad base of customers which include large petro-chemical producers, oil majors and nearly all global iso tank operators.

Peacock’s team includes 10 people and is well experienced, highly educated yet still one of the youngest in the industry. We enjoy being innovative and different to find new and sustainable solutions for our customers. Through our global contacts with agents, depots and surveyors we have created a network which benefits our customers in their daily business.

Besides a clear focus on operational efficiencies for our customers we are very much aware of our corporate social responsibilities within the chemical and food stuff supply chains. We therefore continually try to find new ways to improve sustainability and safe working.