Repository of best practices to optimize the supply chain from a sustainability perspective
Within the petrochemical sector, numerous strategies and tools have been developed within the supply chain to offer tangible and sustainable solutions. The Repository serves as a valuable resource, containing best practices and real-life examples of "learning from experience" shared by EPCA members. It is important to note that all information within the Repository is contributed by the stakeholders themselves, who retain the responsibility for ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the content.
CO₂ Emissions in Maritime Sea Cargo Charter provided by DOW (July 2023)
Further information: ➡️ Explore the Sea Cargo Charter REPORT 2022 revealing the climate alignment scores of 25 charterers and operators.
Calculating GHG transport and logistics emissions for the European Chemical Industry provided by Joost Naessens, Director Transport & Logistics at Cefic (Aug 2023)
Further information: ➡️ Download the Guidance Document. The guidance aims to help the sector gain deeper insights into the GHG emissions from the transportation of goods for both inbound to production plants and outbound to customers.
further details to come
Brought to you by the Supply Chain Program Committee of EPCA. The SCPC is currently composed of 20 members representing petrochemical producers, LSPs, distributors, digital companies and peer sectorial associations - and is coordinated by EPCA.
✋ Interested to know more? Drop us an email: scpc.committee@epca.eu