Ariane Giraud
Ariane Giraud
Vice President Marketing Base Chemicals
Board of Directors

Ariane Giraud began her career in 1995 as a chemical engineer at the Research and
Engineering Center of Rhône Poulenc in Lyon, France, before moving to Atochem (a
unit of the future TotalEnergies company) as a Technical Assistance Engineer and
then Process Engineer from 1996-2001.

In 2001, she took her first role at TotalEnergies as a Business Development Manager
for Base Chemicals in Brussels, Belgium. Ariane continued to hold positions in Base
Chemicals as JV Asset Manager, and then Optimization and Modeling Manager
between 2004 and 2012.

When TotalEnergies created its Refining and Chemicals branch, Ariane was
promoted to Business Intelligence and Long-Term Planning Manager of the Refining
and Petrochemicals Orient Business Unit in 2012. Two years later, she became
Planning and Optimization Manager at the Zeeland Refinery in the Netherlands.
In 2018, Ariane became Americas Coordinator for TotalEnergies Refining &
Petrochemicals Inc. USA (TEPRI), and in March 2021, she was appointed Vice
President for Strategy and Operations Refining & Base Chemicals at TEPRI.
As of September 1st, 2024, she is appointed Vice President Marketing Base
Chemicals for the European Business.

Ariane is a graduate of the French engineering school Ecole Nationale Supérieure
des Industries Chimiques and of French business school Ecole Supérieure de
Commerce de Lyon.