What is the perception of young generations on our industry?
How to convince youngsters to work in the petrochemical sector?
What is the story you need to tell, the picture you need to paint?
How can we embrace environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and transform our business to attract and retain highly skilled professionals?
To address these important questions and more, the EPCA Talents of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow (TTLT) Committee has undergone a restructuring. The committee aims to assist companies in our sector in addressing talent shortage challenges and enhancing ESG reporting practices.
The outcome of their reflections will be made available to EPCA members.
The Talent Session at the EPCA 57th Annual Meeting - scheduled on 28 September in Vienna - will explore how the Petrochemical recruitment is being impacted by the ubiquitous talent shortage affecting every industry but is also facing a unique challenge: an awareness of the industry’s direct impact on climate change is leading young people to believe there is no long-term future in the industry. The new labour pool will be motivated differently than today’s current workforce, requiring organizations to shift their performance management and reward systems to optimize retention. In that context, ESG is increasingly central to companies’ strategic planning, brand and culture. It creates value, contributes to performance and competitiveness, strengthens stakeholder relationships and mitigates risks.
The session will include a keynote from Hans Ubbe Ebbesen, Head of Global Employer Branding at Maersk and a moderated roundtable between Talent Leaders in our sector, an Academic, and recent hirings from EPCA Member Companies to present their motivations for having joined the sector. Further information on the EPCA57 official website.
📹 In the meantime, watch again the video of the Leadership Session at EPCA56, dedicated to investigate opportunities raised by Covid-19 for Leaders to reshape the future of work.
Our Talents of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow (TTLT) committee is looking for new members! By joining the TTLT you will actively contribute to EPCA's activities to put D&I at the heart of leadership and talent management and to encourage the rise of STEM in Europe.
✋Interested to know more? Drop us an email with your CV/Bio and a short motivation letter: ttlt.committee@epca.eu
- November 2023