ChemTech Synergy 2024
6 November 2024 - Antwerp, Belgium
The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA), the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) and Agoria / The Energy Technology Club are excited to announce “ChemTech Synergy 2024”, a groundbreaking event that will bring together leaders and innovators from the chemical and technology industries.
Themed “Bridging the Chemical and Technology Industries to advance Sustainability and Competitiveness”, join us for a day of insightful keynote speeches, interactive panel discussions, dynamic pitches, and unparalleled networking opportunities, including a reception and a dinner. Our focus will be on exploring how technology can help the chemical industry achieve its energy transition goals while maintaining global competitiveness.
ChemTech Synergy 2024 - Photos
Presentations will be published as soon as a publishable version is submitted by the presenter.
- Panel Discussion - Industrial Challenges and Opportunities
- Panel Discussion - The Current European View: a critical analysis
Introduction & keynote
- Welcome from hosts
- Keynote speech from John McNally, CEO Project ONE INEOS, giving an overview of the European chemistry industry's current landscape, key industrial challenges, and the importance of sustainability and technological innovation.
Panel Discussion - Industrial Challenges and Opportunities
Peter Crispeels, Partner, Operations & Sustainability Practices at McKinsey, Chemical Team
Presentation: Industrial Challenges and Opportunities
- Dorothée Arns, Director General at European Association of Chemical Distributors
- Dr Franz Merath, Senior Vice President Supply Chain at Evonik
- Carsten Weers, Vice President Logistics Procurement Maritime & Air Transportation, Tank Storage at BASF
Panel Discussion - The Current European View: a critical analysis
Moderator and introductory keynote:
Professor Rudy Aernoudt, Professor University Ghent & Nancy & BMI executive MBA, former Head of Cabinet at the European Commission
Presentation: The Current European View: a critical analysis
- Tom Van Ierland, Head of Unit in charge of “Low carbon solutions (I): Montreal Protocol, Clean cooling & heating, Twin transitions” Directorate General at the DG Climate Action, European Commission
- Daniel Wennick, Policy Director, Orgalim
- John McNally, CEO Project ONE, INEOS
Coffee Break
Panel Discussion - Innovation & Implementing Technology Solutions
Moderator: Pieter-Jan Provoost, Director at Agoria
- Rafael Cayuela, Corporate Chief Economist and EMEAI Chief Strategy / Sustainability Officer
- Fausto Vieira, Integrated Applications Engineer, Commercial Projects Section (TIA-APC), Downstream Business Applications Department at The European Space Research and Technology Centre
- Karel Viaene, CEO, Vintecc
- Tom De Vloo, Business Development Director, QPinch
Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
Mix stakeholder groups to brainstorm solutions to the challenges identified
- Creation of individual action plans for short, medium and long-term solutions
- Reflection on the day and commitment to next steps, through a framework provided by Deloitte that fits the actions to a “5-5-5” plan outlining what is needed in the coming days, weeks and months per stakeholder group
Followed by dinner and networking
BluePoint Antwerpen