New Public Website

New Public Website
Something looks different? We have a new website! After a few weeks of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch of our redesigned public website. Our goal with this redesigned website is to provide our members and visitors an easier way to learn about our services and solutions. Our website is fairly new, it will only get better with your help. If you see a typo, broken link, or missing information, don't hesitate to share!

We are extremely excited to announce the launch of EPCA’s fresh and new website.

Photographer: John Schnobrich | Source: Unsplash

As we look to the future, we are aware that the world of digital communications is always evolving. With this in mind, we thought it was about time our brand reflected our ambitions and the team has spent the past weeks working on re-launching our website, which, apart from having a clean and colorful new look, is now much more focused on explaining who we are (About), what drives our sector (Focus Areas) and Networking Opportunities (Events)

We are also proud to announce our updated Vision Statement and our core values, signaling a clear commitment to our members and their care.

As the leading network in Europe for the global business community, EPCA is committed to act as a catalyst and promoter for sustainable transformations.

Share your Story!

LinkedIn - Bottom up approach!
EPCA members wishing for reshares, please tag EPCA in your post.

Photographer: Souvik Banerjee | Source: Unsplash

Industry News and Research (non commercial)

LinkedIn users are actively looking for content related to their industry. This makes it an ideal platform for sharing research-based case studies, reports, and whitepapers. If you wish to re-share, please tag EPCA in your post, article, publications...

Photographer: Antonio Uquiche | Source: Unsplash

If there's a topic you'd like us to cover, please let us know by e-mailing