#EPCA56 - Gold & Silver Sponsors

#EPCA56 - Gold & Silver Sponsors
EPCA56 AM Logistics, set-up, details and FAQ

56th Annual Meeting Logistics

Gold & Silver packages are sold out!
GOLD: Argus Media - BCG - Quest Group
Silver: Advario - Brenntag - Chemical Market Analytics - Nexxiott - S&P Global

- List of suppliers
- Business Incubator Pods (BIP)
- Sponsored seminars or sessions
-> Gold Sponsor Seminar (Potsdam I | room set-up)
-> Silver Sponsor Session (Potsdam III | room set-up)
- Package Overview: EPCA56 Sponsorship & Sponsorship Package Deliverables
- Registration step-by-step guide
- Other: FAQs

Useful Contacts:


Intercontinental Berlin

Isabel Diner | Tel: +49 (0)30 2602 1165 | E: isabel.diner@ihg.com
❗ Ensure to coordinate your material delivery and set-up / dismantling times with the hotel team.


You are free to bring in your own supplier in line with the venue (hotel) regulations. Note: no obligation from your side to order from below, just an additional service.

Food & Beverage: Intercontinental

Isabel Diner | Tel: +49 (0)30 2602 1165 | E: isabel.diner@ihg.com

Business Incubator Pods: inscena

Rudi Hennies | Managing Director | inscena - technical production management GmbH Tel: +49-(0)33362-48 99 50 | M: +49-(0)171-54 11 551 | E: rhennies@inscena.de

Branded Merchandise: Creator Meeting Support

Check out the online ordering tool or contact Steffen Kalverboer | Tel: +31 10-2763113 | E: steffen@creatormeetingsupport.com mention EPCA56 Annual Meeting.

Confirmed Main Day sessions in Potsdam I EPCA Main Session Room (BCG & Argus)
Audio-Visual Supplier and Coordinator: inscena

Rudi Hennies | Managing Director | inscena - technical production management GmbH Tel: +49-(0)33362-48 99 50 | M: +49-(0)171-54 11 551 | E: rhennies@inscena.de

Confirmed Pre-AM sessions taking place on Monday 3rd October 2022 in Potsdam III (Brenntag - Chemical Market Analytics - Nexxiott - S&P Global)
Audio-Visual Supplier: Encore

Frank Schepers | Technical Events Manager | Tel: +49-30 26023106
M: +49-162 5860552 | E: intercontinental-berlin@encoreglobal.com

You can find additional suppliers on the Service Partner list provided by the Convention Bureau of Berlin - HERE.

EPCA Staff:

Registration, meeting tables and hotel bookings:

Johann and team is happy to help!
Registration: Email meetings@epca.eu for any concern or query concerning your registration. Step-by-step guide: #EPCA56 | Annual Meeting - How to Register
For hotel please contact hotels@epca.eu
or phone +32 2 741 86 60

Logo placement, LinkedIn (Storychief), marketing:

Silke is your person! E: silke.schlinnertz@epca.eu | T: +32 2 741 86 62

Membership and stakeholder engagement:

General sponsorship questions communications@epca.eu

Business Incubator Pods (BIP)

The Business Incubator Pod space is a new area made available to our Gold and Silver Sponsors.

You can furnish the Business Incubator Pod space as you see fit, in a way that is eye-catching, fun and promotes your company and cause. EPCA provides the assigned floor space carpeted in dark blue, access to a standard electrical plug and public WiFi.

Set-up Monday 3-Oct-2022 in the morning between 08:00 - 12:00.
Dismantling Thursday 6-Oct-2022 as of 17:00.

mock-up pictures (non contractual)

Bring in your own roll-up, stand equipment or find a supplier on the Service Partner list provided by the Convention Bureau of Berlin - HERE.

For deliveries, storage etc. please use this label kindly provided by the Intercontinental Berlin business center. For queries contact: bc.berlin@ihg.com
SHIPPING (incl. return) Instructions

❗ NOTE: Public areas (outside of your allocated space) such as the foyer etc. are not available for branding.

Sponsored sessions and seminars

- At the beginning of the session, the sponsor must remind participants about the importance of competition law compliance and take all reasonable precautions to ensure compliance during the session.
- Access to the sponsored seminar is for registered delegates (wearing the EPCA Annual Meeting badge) only.

5 September 2022 DEADLINE:
- A draft presentation must be shared by the sponsor with EPCA for review by the competent lawyer.
- All presenters must be registered for the 56th Annual Meeting
- AV Requirements: A dedicated team will be on hand throughout the event to assist you with any audio-visual requirements that you may have. If you have any special additional AV requirements over and above the provision stated below (e.g. use of different tools such as sli.do or other), please notify and order with the dedicated AV Team (Note: different suppliers - see below).

❗ NOTE: Public areas (outside of your allocated space) such as the foyer etc. are not available for branding.

Tuesday 4-Oct until Thursday 6-Oct-2022 | Room: EPCA Main Session Room (Potsdam I)

Tuesday 4-Oct-2022: 11:00-12:00 BCG Gold Sponsor Session
Thursday 6-Oct-2022: 09:00-10:00 Argus Media Gold Sponsor Session

non-contractual image

One (1) hour sponsored DAY seminar (GOLD Sponsor session) are fully organized and coordinated by the session host (GOLD sponsor) at the scheduled time and allow the company to take advantage of the presence of EPCA Annual Meeting participants. EPCA covers the room rental, set-up chevron 250 participants, audio, projection and sound system.
The seminar will be simultaneously broadcast live using the Bizzabo platform, allowing virtual delegates to watch the session live.
The seminar will be recorded like all other AM sessions. Registered delegates will be able to watch it afterwards.

Audio-Visual Supplier and Coordinator: inscena

Rudi Hennies | Managing Director | inscena - technical production management GmbH Tel: +49-(0)33362-48 99 50 | M: +49-(0)171-54 11 551 | E: rhennies@inscena.de

Venue, Set-up and Food & Beverage: Intercontinental

Isabel Diner | Tel: +49 (0)30 2602 1165 | E: isabel.diner@ihg.com

Monday 3-Oct-2022 | Room: Potsdam III

non-contractual image

Sponsored pre-AM sessions (satellite sessions) are fully organized and coordinated by the session host (silver sponsor) at the scheduled time and allow the company to take advantage of the presence of EPCA Annual Meeting participants. EPCA only covers the room rental, set-up chevron 150-175 participants, lectern, basic sound system and audio (one table microphone on lectern and one handheld) and projection (beamer and screen 16:9).
❗ NOTE: there is no recording nor broadcasting foreseen.

10:30-11:00 S&P Global set-up
11:00-12:00 S&P Global Silver Sponsor Session
12:00-12:30 S&P Global dismantling, room most be free at 12:30
12:30-13:00 Nexxiott set-up

13:00-14:00 Nexxiot Silver Sponsor Session
14:00-14:30 Nexxiott dismantling, room most be free at 14:30
14:30-15:00 Brenntag set-up

15:00-16:00 Brenntag Silver Sponsor Session
16:00-16:30 Brenntag dismantling, room most be free at 16:30
16:30-17:00 Chemical Market Analytics set-up

17:00-18:00 Chemical Market Analytics Silver Sponsor Session

Audio-Visual Supplier: Encore

Frank Schepers | Technical Events Manager | Tel: +49-30 26023106
M: +49-162 5860552 | E: intercontinental-berlin@encoreglobal.com

Venue, Set-up and Food & Beverage: Intercontinental

Isabel Diner | Tel: +49 (0)30 2602 1165 | E: isabel.diner@ihg.com

Sponsorship Package Deliverables:

EPCA.eu Website

www.epca.eu (until the end of calendar year 2022)
For queries or changes contact Silke E: silke.schlinnertz@epca.eu | T: +32 2 741 86 62

Logo placement on event page: epca.eu/events/56th-annual-meeting

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | ✅ Silver | ✅Bronze

Premium logo placement on EPCA homepage: epca.eu

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze

Event Website

events.bizzabo.com/EPCA_AM56_2022/home (until the end of calendar year 2022)
For queries or changes contact Silke E: silke.schlinnertz@epca.eu | T: +32 2 741 86 62

Placement in sponsor's roster

In line with the selected sponsorship category:

Sponsored webpage

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | ✅ Silver | Bronze
5 September 2022 DEADLINE:
Content to be provided by the sponsor four (4) weeks before the event, actual materials to be presented on the sponsored webpage will be sent by the sponsor to EPCA for approval.

Placement on the event landing page

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | ✅ Silver | Bronze

Prominent placement on event landing page

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze

Prominent placement on Program (day)

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze

Placement in programme

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze

SOCIAL MEDIA (June – November)

For queries or changes contact Silke E: silke.schlinnertz@epca.eu | T: +32 2 741 86 62

LinkedIn posts

Available to sponsorship categories:
✅ Gold (six - 6) | ✅ Silver (three - 3) | ✅ Bronze (one - 1)

To be prepared by the sponsor in StoryChief.
Please insert here all details for the LinkedIn Post in line with EPCA's Dos and Don'ts https://epca.eu/dos-donts that you would like to propose for the #EPCA56. This will then be reviewed by EPCA's compliance team (external lawyer) and once approved, it will be published. You can share your publication week preference in the comments section.
StoryChief is very intuitive, if you have any questions the chat function on the bottom right and/or StoryChief’s HelpCenter https://help.storychief.io/en/collections/340913-user-workspace-management / https://help.storychief.io/en/articles/4858952-guest-writers will guide you.

EMAILS (June – November)

For queries or changes contact Silke E: silke.schlinnertz@epca.eu | T: +32 2 741 86 62

Logo positioning in EPCA Quarterly Newsletter

Available to sponsorship categories:
✅ Gold (prime position) | ✅ Silver (roster) | ✅ Bronze (roster)
- Q1 Newsletter (Thu, 31 Mar 2022 - no confirmed sponsor)
- Q2 Newsletter (Thu, 30 Jun 2022)
- Q3 Newsletter (Fri, 16 Sept 2022)

Logo placement in AM event email campaigns

Available to sponsorship categories:
✅ Gold (prime position-header) | ✅ Silver (roster) | ✅ Bronze (roster)

Wed, 08 Jun 2022 | Registration open e-mail
Mon, 04 Jul 2022 | List of Participants now available e-mail
Wed, 17 Aug 2022 | Program e-mail
Mon, 19 Sep 2022 | Registration Session Email (registered only)

One (1) E-mail to all registered attendees by September 2022

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze

5 September 2022 DEADLINE: Content to be provided by the sponsor four (4) weeks before the event, to be sent by the sponsor for approval.

GOLD Sponsor can propose one (1) emailing before the end of September. Please insert here all details for the email you would like to propose in StoryChief. This will then be reviewed by EPCA's compliance team (external lawyer) and EPCA. Once approved, it will be published accordingly to availability. You can share your publication week preference in the comments section of StoryChief.

EVENT MATERIAL (June – November)

Placement in sponsor's roster

In line with the selected sponsorship category:

Use of the official EPCA AM seal

- Social Media Card / Banner - I’m attending
- Social Media Card / Banner - Plain
- Small signature banners


Recognition during Business Sessions (on roster slide)
In line with the selected sponsorship category:

Dedicated day (opening)

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze

5 September 2022 DEADLINE: Content to be provided by the sponsor four (4) weeks before the event to EPCA for approval.


Sponsored business incubator pod (see details)

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | ✅ Silver | Bronze

Sponsored pre-AM session on a sustainability topic (see details)

Available to sponsorship categories:
🔀 Gold (in lieu of a sponsored seminar) | ✅ Silver | Bronze

Sponsored seminar (see details)

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze

Speaking Slot

Available to sponsorship categories: ✅ Gold | Silver | Bronze
5 September 2022 DEADLINE: Content to be provided by the sponsor four (4) weeks before the event to EPCA for approval.


Complimentary in-person tickets (non-transferable)
✅ Gold (five - 5) | ✅ Silver (three - 3) | ✅ Bronze (two - 2)

Complimentary virtual tickets (non-transferable)
✅ Gold (six - 6) | ✅ Silver (three - 3) | ✅ Bronze (one - 1)


Please register for the event by following this step-by-step guide: How to Register

IMPORTANT: In the payment section choose: “I will pay by bank transfer” as shown below:

You must finish all steps until the very end and hit “Confirm Registration”, otherwise, you won’t be registered.

Once, you have completed the registration process, please send an email to johann.lenhart@epca.eu indicating in the Subject line: EPCA56 – [insert Company name] [X] n° Free Tickets registration process completed.
In the email body please insert the name(s) of the people benefiting from the registration. The team will only then be able to take care of your request such as adapting the fee – thank you!